Thieme eSpine (Online-Datenbank)

Verlag Thieme Verlag
Mindestlaufzeit 12 Monate
Kündigungsfrist Wie im Vertrag vereinbart.

Lizenz für Digitalprodukt

ISBN 4316

Auf den Merkzettel


Thieme eSpine is a unique online resource providing the global spine care community with unprecedented access to Thieme’s entire spinecollection.

This powerful platform enables you to search for procedures you want to brush up on, confirm references for

your writing, find visuals for your presentations, and much more! From the publisher you trust, Thieme eSpine will be your go-to reference for content and will change the way you obtain clinical information - making it easier, faster, and more efficient than ever before.

Thieme eSpine is a continuously growing resource with new spine care content being added as soon as the latest titles are available.

Thieme eSpine features:
* Over 250 procedures illustrated step-by-step
* Access to Thieme’s entire spine E-Book library - over 24.000 pages of material!
* More than 24.700 images, with legends and links to original sources
* Simultaneous search across the spine care titles in Thieme’s E-Journal platform, as well as across all journals indexed in PubMed, with results given to the abstract level

System requirements:
- PC, Mac
- Supports all major browsers
(Internet Explorer 8 and higher, Safari, Firefox and Chrome)
- Also recommended for mobile devices